Emergency Planning & Training

Emergency Planning
In addition to the fact that every facility should have some type of an emergency plan, there are a number of regulations that require a specific plan, including:
Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
An OSHA requirement for all workplaces; the minimum level of emergency planning.
Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan
Required by the Clean Water Act, and applicable to facilities that have greater than 1,320 gallons (aggregate) of oil in aboveground storage containers, or greater than 42,000 gallons (aggregate) of oil in underground containers, that could reasonably be expected to discharge oil into navigable waters of the United States, or onto adjoining shorelines.
Oil includes petroleum oils, synthetic oils, and oils derived from animal, fish, or plant sources. In some cases, oil in reservoirs connected to machinery (e.g., hydraulic oil) is also included in the aggregate storage capacity.
Facility Response Plan (FRP)
Required by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, and applicable to on- or off-shore facilities that could reasonably be expected to cause (as defined by U.S. EPA) substantial harm, or significant and substantial harm, to the environment by discharging oil into or onto navigable waters of the United States, or onto adjoining shorelines.
Risk Management Plan (RMP)
Required by the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Covered facilities that use extremely hazardous substances above threshold quantities must prepare and submit an RMP that includes (a) the potential effects of an accidental release (worst-case and alternative scenarios), and, (b) procedures for alerting the public that airborne hazards have extended, or threaten to extend, beyond the boundaries of the facility.
OMNICON Environmental Management has experience preparing a wide variety of regulatory agency-required emergency plans. Our emergency plans are custom tailored to meet the specific needs of each client.
We also conduct community risk and vulnerability analyses, and prepare community emergency response plans. Community plans can range from those specific to responses to hazardous materials incidents (required by SARA Title III), to all-hazards plans that cover response procedures for a wide spectrum of reasonably-anticipated emergency scenarios.

OMNICON Environmental Management offers two standard training programs:
Hazard Communication (Worker Right-To-Know)
Meets all OSHA requirements: Custom-tailored to the hazardous materials and activities in your workplace.
Hazardous Materials & Weapons of Mass Destruction for First Responders
We offer both Awareness-level, and Operations-level, response training programs.
In addition, we can design and deliver a custom-tailored program to fulfill just about any of your compliance training requirements.